
Scary reads are the best reads! Take a deep dive into our horror content to find recommendations for the best horror books out there–just don’t forget to put them in the freezer before you go to bed.

12 SFF & Horror Debuts To Watch For In 2023

If you love science fiction, fantasy, or horror, here are the debut novels you should be preordering in 2023, including To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose.

The 10 Best Horror Books of 2022

Here are the ten best horror books of 2022, including haunted house stories like Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey, horror retellings, vampires, body horror, mushrooms, and so much more.

Why Horror Is Such A Hard Genre to Crack

If you've put off reading horror because of your assumptions of how scary it is, reconsider how broad a category it is.

Small But Frighty: 8 Horror Novels About Creepy Kids to Haunt You This Holiday Season

Kids just say the darndest things and sometimes those things are scary. Prepare to be haunted by these horror novels featuring creepy kids, including Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage.

8 Horror Books Coming Out in December That Will Chill You to the Bone

FroHere are eight new horror reads to make you shiver with something other than cold this December, including Mine: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror.

A New Boom of Horror From Latin America

A new boom of horror is brewing in books from Latin America. Why horror? And who's writing it? Read on to find out!

Scares Work the 9-5 Too in These 10 Workplace Horror Novels

We spend 90,000 hours working in our lives, so it should come as no surprise that scary things work the 9-5, too.

The Blank Men of Horror and Thrillers

Like Girl on a Train Looking Out a Window, these horror and thrillers feature a title convention you will see everywhere.

Science Fiction Trouble Feature: 10 of the Best Sci-Fi Horror Books

They did the genre mash: Check out 10 of the best new sci-fi horror books and be frightened by things that don't exist...yet, including Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes.

Don’t Stop and Smell the Roses in These 8 Plant-Based Horror Novels

These plant-based horror novels will change the way you see the world around you on your next walk outside.